We have had so much fun launching the brand and that is due to your encouragement and support! Living in community is such a treasure!
The best clients: My corner of the world is filled with great people, for sure, but I am not sure how I have been so blessed to have every one of my clients be so amazing. The faith that my clients have put in me and my work humbles me to no end. The time that is spent and communication that happens between a client and designer throughout a large project is a lot. I love all things design but what I love even more is connecting with my clients. I have been in a meeting when my client received a call with the news that a loved one passed away, I have listened to many hard stories of what my client is going through (on top of a remodel or new build), and many of my clients walked with my family during our adoption journey and celebrated with us when our littles came home after being in process 3-½ years. When a project is finished I miss my clients, it’s like I have lost a friend … which makes it all the sweeter when they call for my design services on their next project! I owe a huge thank you to my clients that allowed me to come into their homes and businesses to take pictures for the website. I know it was a big ask and I am so grateful for their support.
Whew … thank you for making it through all of those thank-yous with me! It is so clear that God is good. He is who this space and profession belong to, and I look forward to seeing all He has in store for me through this calling. We love that you are here joining in the journey of this community!